Review List: Every AI Girlfriend Rated

Review List: Every AI Girlfriend Rated

Here at AI Girlfriend Review, we have used and personally tested nearly every AI Girlfriend option available since 2020. Our experience spans website-based AI Girlfriends, apps, Discord AI companions, and everything. We know AI relationships technology inside and out.

AI Girlfriend Review

AI GirlfriendReview LinkAGR ScoreTextPictureVoiceVideoCustom.Perform.Value
Candy AiReview Link4.3455254.54.5
MySentient.aiReview Link3.3643.54332.53.5
ReplikaReview Link3.13.5331434
Soulgen SoulchatReview Link3.86452.52.5445
Full List of All AI Girlfriend Reviews

What Method Did We Use to Calculate the Review Scores?

Ai girlfriend Review scores explained

Text Review Score

The texting score is the most crucial metric in evaluating AI girlfriend apps because it directly reflects the quality and effectiveness of the core interaction between the user and the AI. This score measures how realistic, engaging, and responsive the AI companion is in conversation, essential for providing a meaningful and satisfying user experience.

We use the following sample text:

Introduction: “Hi there, I’m [Your Name]. It’s nice to meet you. Can you tell me a little about yourself?”
Purpose: Assess the AI’s introductory response and personalization capabilities.

Curiosity Probe: “What’s something interesting you learned recently?”
Purpose: Check the AI’s ability to share and discuss new information.

Emotional Question: “How do you feel when someone is kind to you?”
Purpose: Test emotional intelligence and response to abstract concepts.

Reflective Question: “What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from interacting with humans?”
Purpose: Evaluate the AI’s capacity for reflective thinking and learning from interactions.

Scenario Response: “Imagine we’re planning a day out. What activities would you suggest?”
Purpose: Evaluate creativity and scenario-based interaction skills

By AI Girlfriend Review

Furthermore, our evaluation process includes using Amazon Comprehend, an advanced machine learning tool, to analyze text replies. This tool helps us uncover insights and relationships in the text, including sentiment analysis and key phrase extraction. While we base our scoring on a broad spectrum of factors, we maintain confidentiality on some specifics to prevent influencing AI developers who might read our reviews. These factors encompass, but are not limited to:

  • Unpredictability
  • Context Understanding
  • Relevance
  • Repeat Interaction

Picture Review Score

Picture score refers to how well the AI companion creates the picture of itself and what options it has. Examples of features we look for are:

  • Can it send you pictures custom generate
  • Can AI create a picture with you in it
  • Does it understand the pictures you send to it
  • Can it personalize composition, framing, location etc

Voice Review Score

Voice score refers to how well the AI companion creates a voice message of itself and what options it has. Examples of features we look for are:

  • Voice clarity when speaking
  • Speech Naturalness
  • Can you customize the voice
  • Does it understand your voice message
  • Is real-time voice calling available?

Video Review Score

Video score refers to how well the AI companion creates a voice message of itself and what options it has. Examples of features we look for are:

  • Can it create video messages
  • Customization options for video type and subject
  • Does it understand your video message
  • Is real-time video calling available?

Customization Review Score

When creating the AI companion, which customization options do you have?

We look for the following options:

  • Realistic human options for all genders
  • Cartoon or 3d animated
  • Non-human options

Additionally, we would like to see clothing, hair, body type, and everything in between to create the exact AI girlfriend you desire.

Performance Review Score

In our review process, we incorporate Google PageSpeed scores to assess the performance of AI girlfriend services. This metric evaluates how quickly the service’s webpage loads and operates, a crucial factor in user experience. Faster load times and smoother performance typically lead to a better and more seamless interaction with the AI, ensuring that users can engage without technical hindrances. The PageSpeed score thus objectively measures the service’s technical efficiency and user-friendliness.

Additionally, we would like to see different AI options across platforms. Are they friendly for web, apps, Discord, and mobile?

Value Review Score

This directly reflects the previously mentioned quality in relation to pricing. Is there a free version available? How expensive is it to get high-end features? For example, is it worth the extra payment if you have to pay for pictures or video messages? How does it compare to the market against other AI Girlfriends?

AGR Review Score

This score can be considered the best overall. AGR stands for AI Girlfriend Review score. The highest score on the review score list is the best in AI Girlfriend at the time the review was made.